Cutting edge technology to give advisers more time.

Auto-gen Notes

Our secure system will generate notes from your fact find within 60 seconds. No more typing out screeds. Taking what used to be fifteen minutes, now takes less than one minute.

100 cases = 25 hours per year typing notes.

Over 23 Hours Saved

Client Contact

No more manual e-mails and texts. Your clients deserve to be kept in the loop.

One-click updates will keep your clients happy. 20 update e-mails used to take around 3 hours. Now it takes 10 minutes.

Over 147 Hours Saved

Social Proof

Clients will look at your reviews. They want to know other people have went with you and you walk the walk.

Automatic review links sent out at the right time is crucial. E-mail and SMS straight to your client for feedback.

Over 15 Hours Saved

The more time Mission

More clients, less stress, more money?

We get your time back.

It’s up to you how you spend it.


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